Iname as one commander rule
Iname as one commander rule

iname as one commander rule

I believe this war makes for interesting factioning that I would like to see explored on a return. Within the story, the plane of Kamigawa was threatened as the spirits of essentially everything inexplicably begin to wage war with its living inhabitants. From my own perspective as a writer, this makes writing about the legends of this block a little more difficult. Other than this week’s general, there were no multicolored legendary creatures. This carried over into the spells as well. This was during a time where the dual lands remained tapped if you drew colored mana out of them.

iname as one commander rule

When I take my nostalgia goggles off and look at Kamigawa block, the first thing I noticed is the lack of multicolor support. But I put Kamigawa at the top of my list of planes to return to over his Welsh-inspired plane. Erik, formerly of Gathering Magic and now just a casual pick for nicest guy you could know, happens to love Lorwyn and I respect that. Erik Linden and I go back and forth on the discussion of returning planes, we both share a passion for planes that feel like home to us and we’ve grown especially attached to. But to me I know where I’d like to go back to and I know that a lot of other players have their own biases for where they would like to see again as well. Sometimes the definition of “beloved” can be its own topic of debate. One of the spirited debate topics among Magic players I enjoy looking into the most is the discussion on when and where we will see returns to beloved planes.

Iname as one commander rule