Greatest tank battle in history
Greatest tank battle in history

This was accomplished by using superior strategies and having superior weapons. In more recent times, there have been major tank fights have taken place. The Germans were keen to utilize the tank in concentrations of numbers to break through their opponents’ fortifications and break the stalemate that had developed during the First World War.ĭuring World War II, several major tank fights occurred the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were involved in three major tank battles. Tanks have emerged as the central element of contemporary warfare and the focal point of many different military doctrines, including blitzkrieg and highly mobile mechanized troops.

greatest tank battle in history

Tanks made their first appearance in combat the previous year, but it wasn’t until the Battle of Cambrai in 1917, which took place during World War I, that the armored beasts became the most feared weapon on the battlefield.

Greatest tank battle in history